Strategic Surveillance
Two major factors determine successful surveillance:
Case Preparation
Case Management
You Provide The Basics - We Do The Rest!

Effective surveillance footage that refutes a claimant's alleged injury can be the leading contributor to reducing your exposure on a wrongful claim.
When assigning a new case for surveillance, our clients provide us with basic demographics about the subject. Our team of investigators then utilize the provided parameters during their case preparation to develop a complete 360° intelligence briefing though social media and public record research. From there, our management team and trained surveillance operatives do the rest to secure active claimant video.
C a s e P r e p a r a t i o n
Before initiating surveillance, our team analyzes:
Property Records
Vehicle Records
Phone Records
Family Dynamics
Photos & Videos
Hobbies & Interests
Social Circles
Events & Check-Ins
C a s e M a n a g e m e n t
Our Surveillance Operatives are equipped with:
Comprehensive Claimant Profiles
Direct access to Social Media Analysts
Advanced Camera Systems & Equipment
Constant Communication with Management
GPS Check-In Procedures
These are the building blocks of Strategic Surveillance
and the reason we obtain claimant video consistently.